
My Life As A Joiner is a blog which is dedicated to informing the general public about a topic they know little about. Joinery is a completely different vocation to carpentry yet the two are often mixed up. My Life As A Joiner seeks to offer the public a better understanding of the topic and hopefully appreciate the effort and skills of the average, hard-working joiner.

My Life As A Joiner also aims to further promote joinery as a profession. We know that there are thousands of talented individuals in the UK who are experts in woodwork and would love the opportunity to prove their skills on a national level. This blog will provide you with dozens of tips relating to required qualifications and what to expect from a career as a joiner. This blog will not shy away from sharing the difficult aspects of the job but will also focus on the rewards which can be considerable.

This blog is also essential reading for the average UK homeowner who is not necessarily interested in joinery because it contains tips on how to perform some basic DIY joinery tasks. As well as this, you can find out more about joinery companies in the UK and avoid wasting money by hiring unqualified joiners to work on projects in your home. Finally, My Life As A Joiner will offer general advice on home improvements including vital information relating to the installation of doors and windows. Discover how small changes can lead to big savings.